Sep 30, 2018
Research shows that black women are at greater risk than white women of developing or dying from a handful of cancers, including those of the breast, colon/rectum, lungs, and cervix. The American Cancer Society (ACS) reports that there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors living in the U.S. in 2014. From...
Sep 23, 2018
Parenting is one of the hardest thing anyone with children can go through in life. Motherhood can be wonderful, but it can also be full of hurt, shame, longing and guilt sometimes. Mothers sacrifice a lot when the responsibility falls on caring for another tiny human. It's a heavy weight and you've dedicated a large...
Sep 16, 2018
Episode 17: Black Moms in the Movement Part 2
Topic: If you listened to Episode 16 you had the opportunity to learn about you can get involved as a candidate. This week we are going to look at the perspective in being apart of a PAC and being a spouse of a candidate in our Black Moms in the Movement...
Sep 9, 2018
Episode 16: Black Moms in the Movement
If you are one to follow politics and social media, you’ve heard the term #blackwomenlead. If you are NOT into politics, now would be the time to do so--your life and body literally depends on it. We are seeing an uptick of black women running (and winning) their respective...
Sep 2, 2018
Episode 15: The Black Mom Midlife Crisis/Moment
Research suggest and age difference between the genders. For men, the ‘crisis’ begins roughly late 40’s-early 50’s, while women start their internal struggle between 35-44. What does the struggle consist of?--is it a feeling of being stuck, personally...