Mar 31, 2019
Topic: Enjoying the Empty Nest Life and Preparing for College. Motherhood is a lifetime journey and we often joke about the mothers of teens as a mom who is “almost at the finish line.” Meaning, they are close to the freedom of child rearing. Hopefully, the fruits of motherly/parental labor manifest as they become...
Mar 17, 2019
Topic: Money Rich, Time Poor
Even with a high income, one can still live below poverty. We are discussing having rich-ish income, and asset poor expenses.
Mahogany Mom of the Week: Melisha Singh. Her story of Vulnerability is featured in the book: A Wife's Superpower: 10 Courageous Stories of How to Practice Your...
Mar 10, 2019
Self care is a buzz word that inspires one to do what makes them happy via a form of escapism. The term is miscontrude as a means of tangential reinforcement--pedicures, extra chocolate, ‘treat yo’self’= meaning over-indulging/over-spending!! The question begs: When does self-care become self-sabotage?
Mar 3, 2019
You’ve studied hard, and have found yourself at a decent job. You’ve accepted the work environment may not be “diverse”. However, we continue the work grind battling the microaggressions and curious questions surrounding your culture. In these spaces, POC becomes a generalized voice of their people, which is...