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Feb 23, 2020

Topic:  Rashida Jones, Whoopi Goldberg, and most recent Tiffany Haddish are some of the notable African American Jewish celebrities. We can theorize that their celebrity status makes the transition easier to acclimate than non celebrities. We will discuss the path of being a Black Jewish mom in society with out guest...

Feb 16, 2020

Topic: On this podcast, we’ve been talking about the American Black motherhood experience. But what’s the journey like aboard? Do they experience racism? Colorism? Educational disparities. We will discuss The Black Motherhood Experience abroad with our guest momologist, Kearie Dee of Woke Mommy Chatter.

Woke Mommy...

Feb 9, 2020

TopicRecently, the city of Lancaster ISD sued a board member for a conflict of interest for being an advocate to children with special needs. This discussion leads to the question, shouldn’t our school board be advocating for children’s best interest, with our guest momologist, Carolyn Morris. 



Feb 2, 2020

Season 3, Episode 4: Coping with Grief

The emotional trauma brought on by the death of a close family member is often accompanied by varied emotional responses. Adults have difficulty processing death, but how do we have a healthy and successful discussion about death to their offspring?  We will discuss how to talk to...