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Sep 2, 2018

Episode 15: The Black Mom Midlife Crisis/Moment

Research suggest and age difference between the genders. For men, the ‘crisis’ begins roughly late 40’s-early 50’s, while women start their internal struggle between 35-44. What does the struggle consist of?--is it a feeling of being stuck, personally and professionally? Today we will explore this and what this looks like for black women/mothers. Even the term ‘crisis’ will be explored too.


Examples of Midlife characteristics:

  • Feeling discontent with one’s life or lifestyle including people and activities which may have, at one time, provided more fulfillment
  • Questioning decisions made years earlier
  • Confusion about one’s achievements and questioning why “I failed to manifest the life I thought I would have by now”
  • Confusion about “who am I” beyond the roles assigned by others, both in the workplace and in one’s personal life.
  • Anger, expressed or hidden, over trying to fulfill the expectations of others or wanting their approval, in lieu of pursuing one’s own wishes or dreams
  • Yearning for the early years, wanting to retreat rather than move forward


Here are questions to ask (based on the Psychology Today article):

  1. What do I feel I should have done by this time in my life?
  2. Is there something more important and fulfilling that I can focus on now?
  3. What do I want more of in my life? What have I imprisoned that is crying to be free?
  4. How can I ensure a commitment to living a significant life?



Avis, N.E., et. al (2015) Duration of menopausal vasomotor symptoms over the menopause transition. JAMA Inter Med, 175(4):531-9. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.8063


Calhoun, Ada (2015 October 5) The New Midlife Crisis: Why (and How) It’s Hitting Gen X Women. Retrieved from:


Dundon, Elaine (2018 January 30) Searching for the Meaning Beyond the “Midlife Crisis”. Psychology Today. Retrieved from:


Reynolds, Marcia (2011 May 14) What a Female Mid-Life Crisis Looks Like. Psychology Today. Retrieved from:


Saner, Elaine (2017 January 27) Women on the verge of a midlife crisis. The Guardian. Retrieved from:





Episode Sponsor: Destiny Day Spa by Donyea

2 Locations: Frisco and Allen



Offer:  Mention Mahogany Momology and receive $10 off of a Destiny Signature Facial with Microdermabrasion.

Specialty: Customized skincare treatments for all skin types


Brand Ambassador: Yara Imani

Enter offer code: Momology for 10% Discount


Meet Us:

Honey Be Natural Affirmation Summit on Saturday, September 22 from 9AM-2:30PM in Dallas. 

The Affirmation Summit is a self-love & body positive gathering aiming to provide women with tools to boost their self-worth, confidence and aid in stress management. From a sun-rise yoga to sensual dance, this day of affirmation will feature some of Dallas’ finest motivational speakers & artists.



Recording Studio: Greenville Ave.



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